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Living On A Sailing Boat - 20 Things You Must Know

Living on a sailing boat offers incredible freedom, simplicity, and a deep connection with nature but there are challenges and decisions

8 June 2023
Anchoring A Boat Confidently Boosts Your Peace Of Mind

There are few skills more fundamental for any sailor than properly anchoring a boat but mastering this task can be complex and stressful.

24 May 2023
Who Embraces Bluewater Sailing?

The personal characteristics of the people who chase bluewater sailing are varied... but they are passionate about sailing and seek adventure

9 May 2023
The True SOS Meaning Plus Common Misconceptions

The SOS meaning is not what many people think and the SOS origins were born out of necessity. Is the SOS meaning... Save Our Ships or Souls?

20 April 2023
Must-Have Sailing Gear For Every Sailing Adventure

Sailing adventures are a thrilling and liberating experience, but having the right sailing gear is essential for a smooth and safe voyage

7 April 2023
Unraveling The Appeal Of Adventure Sailing... A Primal Drive

Adventure Sailing conjures images of brave explorers charting unknown territories, battling the elements, and challenging open, boundless seas

25 March 2023
Mastering The Challenging Art Of Seamanship: The Brass Tacks

Seamanship is a Badge of Honor earned from many battles with the Sea and the Forces of Nature... it's a challenging art... here are the Brass Tacks

11 March 2023
How To Prepare For Bluewater Sailing Adventures

The planning and preparation required for bluewater sailing adventures can seem daunting, especially for someone who is new to sailing

26 February 2023
Bluewater Sailing 101

Bluewater sailing has greater challenges and risks than sailing in protected waters or even coastal sailing... but the rewards are excellent

8 February 2023
What Makes A Great Sailing Magazine?

To deliver a great sailing magazine, it's a delicate mix of including the positive elements with entertainment while monitoring the dislikes of readers

25 January 2023
Blue Water Sailing Adventures - Switched On Sailing

There's a new wave of Adventure Sailors chasing their dreams now... using Bluewater Sailing Adventures to escape and explore.

10 January 2023
Switched On Sailing Magazine... Exciting Adventures... New Horizons

Switched On Sailing Magazine is taking you on a journey full of Bluewater Sailing, Great Seamanship, Pristine Locations, and Remarkable Sailors...

23 December 2022